It is a proven fact that most ancient civilizations which flourished grew around fertile river banks. And the primary reason was the fertility of the land and source of transport and communication. All these inhibited areas became centers of growth and progress because of the increase output in agriculture production. But it is the most overlooked and undermined with regard to its contribution towards the history of human civilization.
There are many concepts, initiatives and models for economic development but in fact there is only the agriculture and allied sectors which defines and determines the stability of economic development. It is as simple as a home. When the problem of running the kitchen is solved then we begin to see change in the lifestyle of a family. The first and foremost problem any family faces to solve is to feed themselves. Societies, nations also has this same problem. Of course the returns of industrialization are manifold and may sustain an economy but it is a victim of time and circumstances. The economy is not resilient and cannot withstand by itself the effects of economic downturns of other economies.
The focus should always be the agricultural sector. The rural areas are the core centers of economic development and the robust foundations of a resilient economy therefore without as much as complicating and confusing ourselves with technicalities, concentrated effort for developing agriculture and agro based industries will prove to be the most effective and efficient economic model.