The Village Development Board (VDB)
is a unique scheme of decentralization of planning and development from the
grass root level. Since its inception at Ketsapomi village in Phek district of
Nagaland in 1976 and its subsequent success, it has gone on to be implemented in all the
recognized villages of Nagaland under section 12(12) of the Nagaland Village
and Area council Act 1978 and VDB Model Rules act 1980.
The Village Development Board is a
mechanism for decentralization of planning and development at the grass root
level at its best. It includes all the permanent residents of the village as
its members functioning under a management committee with a secretary. Besides
women are to constitute 25% of the total of the management committee. This is a
novel scheme of development as the locals understand their needs
better and can effectively articulate and implement developmental activities
The government is implementing several
welfare measures for alleviating poverty and to bring about socio-economic
change in the lives of the rural poor. And also with a view to ensure grass
root level participation of the people in the governance, decentralized
institutions have come to play crucial roles. In this aspect the role of Village Development Boards needs special attention. Projects for construction of agri
link roads, approach roads, irrigational canals, rain water harvesting etc has
come to be implemented for creating infrastructure facilities of the rural areas
to bring about progress and development. The primary responsibility for drawing
up developmental projects and to prioritize areas for development based on
local knowledge falls on the Village Development Boards therefore that makes
them a very important institution of the rural villages.
Majority of the rural areas do not
have adequate banking infrastructure even though credit mechanism plays an
important role in fostering economic development and progress. In fostering
economic development capital formation plays a decisive role as it is the
catalyst for entrepreneurial activities. Lack of organized credit mechanism and
its control lands the poor at the mercy of unscrupulous and opportunistic money
lenders. Therefore it is very important that an effective credit control
mechanism is set in place in areas without banking facilities. Towards this end
the VDB’s can fill the vacuum as effective financial intermediaries with
modalities for accountability and resource mobilization. This will also ensure
control of the credit mechanism to the grass root level and effective flow and
availability of credit to rural poor.
It is in
these aspects that the role and importance of the Village Development Boards
needs to be assessed and analyzed. It is a novel scheme for decentralization
and can become an effective tool for change and all round development equally.
Thus it is very important that a proper scrutiny of its role is made and
loopholes of its functioning’s done so that they become instrument of change as
intended. Lack of people's participation and even awareness of the welfare schemes of the government are major hurdles in it becoming real agents of development. Also the limited role in the light of the final authority resting on the government for approval of any developmental projects has come in the way for VDB's exercising as autonomous bodies. They have to act within the funds and schemes as sanctioned by the government.