About us
The present strategy of rural development in India mainly focuses on poverty alleviation, better livelihood opportunities, provision of basic amenities and infrastructure facilities through innovative programs and self-employment. But ignorance, lack of awareness, corruption etc has resulted in all these measures not reaching the real beneficiaries i.e. the rural poor. Therefore through Rural Research and Development Nagaland (RRDN) we expect to play the role of facilitator for change in the lives of the rural mass.
Nagaland emerged as a State, carved out of the Naga Hills districts of Assam and North Eastern Frontier Agency (NEFA) province in 1963. The State has a population of 19.80,602 lakhs with an area of 16.579 Sq. kms as per 2011 census. The population of Nagaland forms 0.16 percent of India in 2011. The State Govt. has recently created another 22 (twenty two) new Rural Development blocks which are to be functional with effect from 1
The density of population is 119 per sq.km. Nagaland has a Rural population of 14,06,861 which constitutes 71.03% and urban population of 5,73,741 which constitutes 28.97% of the total. Overall literacy ratio is 80.11% in 2011.
Rural Development in India is one of the most important factors for the growth of the Indian economy. The Government has planned several programs pertaining to Rural Development in India. The Ministry of Rural Development in India is the apex body for formulating policies, regulations and acts pertaining to the development of the rural sector. Agriculture, handicrafts, fisheries, poultry, and diary are the primary contributors to the rural business and economy.
Our Mission "Progress through Enlightenment "
envisions that rural people across Nagaland should be educated, motivated and empowered to make their lives more secure and prosperous through education, better health, improved skills, employment and supportive governance. Of late, rural development has assumed global attention especially among the developing nations. It has great significance for a country like India where majority of the population, around 65% of the people, lives in rural areas. st April, 2012. Now the total number of RD Block has increased from 52 to 74 Blocks. There are 1144 recognised villages with Village Development Boards (VDBs) with 2, 24,915 rural household in the State.
Rural development aims at improving rural people’s livelihoods in an equitable and sustainable manner, both socially and environmentally, through better access to assets (natural, physical, human, technological and social capital), and services, and control over productive capital (in its financial or economic and political forms) that enable them to improve their livelihoods on a sustainable and equitable basis.
The basic objectives of Rural Development Programs have been alleviation of poverty and unemployment through creation of basic social and economic infrastructure, provision of training to rural unemployed youth and providing employment to marginal Farmers/ Laborers to discourage seasonal and permanent migration to urban areas.
Our Mission
We Believe,
Decentralization of power from centre to states, states to districts and areas within districts and villages can be one of best ways of radically restructuring an over centralized system of governance, which may be somewhat removable from people, and have limited direct accountability to them. Decentralization results in empowering people, promoting public participation and increasing efficiency.
Successfully implementation of development programs requires adequate funds, appropriate policy framework and effective delivery machinery and above all people participation. Availability of fund alone may be a necessary but not a sufficient condition for tackling the problems of poverty and backwardness. Optimum utilization of fund is required to achieve sustainable growth.
However, without good governance and programmed implementation, much of the vast quantum of resources being spent for development is wasted. Therefore, it should be so designed as to bring about improve transparency, better accountability and streamlining of the structure of government.
It is the grassroots level organization like VDB, which can ensures transparency and accountability in public life through active participation. Concerted efforts are, therefore, necessary to equip the grassroots organization through devolution of powers, functions and finance along with necessary training and capacity building.
This, plus the fact that development communication should cut across and intermingle with all sectors concerned with rural development if it is to yield its full potential, means that there is no one organizational location for development communication that is valid for every situation. Rural development in India has witnessed several changes over the years in its emphasis, approaches, strategies and programs. It has assumed a new dimension and perspectives as a consequence. Rural development can be richer and more meaningful only through the participation of clienteles of development. Just as implementation is the touchstone for planning, people’s participation is the centre-piece in rural development. People’s participation is one of the foremost pre-requisites of development process both from procedural and philosophical perspectives. For the development planners and administrators it is important to solicit the participation of different groups of rural people, to make the plans participatory. is to impart people participatory in decentralized at grass root level, through, awareness program, program Implementation, Capacity Building, Rural Research and innovation. is an initiative of the likeminded people to further the wellbeing of rural communities in Rural Nagaland.
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